When setting the game to windowed mode, and changhing the res higher than the lowest option, the game window just starts scaling bigger and off the screen, so thats not a viable option.

The performance takes an impact the higher the res so it is technically working, but also not really working. Like I said, the resolution never actually displays higher than 1920x1200. I believe the cursor misalignment comes from the game being confused about the notch area at the top, where it is aligning where the cursor thinks the buttons are from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen, (into the notch area), whereas the actual visual buttons & the game are properly displayed in the actual 16:10 safe area below the notch as all fullscreen apps do. This just scales the app smaller and gives the whole game chunky besels all around, but it fixes the misalignment issue in fullscreen mode. With the 2021 macbook models, there is an option to toggle a setting on a per app basis called 'Scale to fit below built in camera'. The cursor misalignment is only present in fullscreen mode, when switching to windowed, the mouse aligns correctly, but windowed mode isnt ideal to play in. The game is perfectly playable when certain workarounds are introduced (using steam launch parameters I have seen on other forums doesnt work), running at max settings is perfect, and there arent any graphical issues like some other users have reported. The game also doesnt offer any other aspect ratio than 16:10 widescreen by default. The cursor is misaligned from where the actual buttons are & the resolution doesnt visually appear to display higher than 1920x1200 (lowest res option) even when its set to 3024x1894 (highest res option), this is the case for all of the avalable resolutions. I installed and launched Cities Skylines on my 2021 MacBook Pro 14" and there were a few issues that I noticed. Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.

Tested and tried with a fresh installation of the game with no mods & the same issues were present. Cursor Misaglinment & Resolution Issue on 2021 Macbook Pro'sĪfter Dark, Natural Disasters, Mass Transit, Green Cities, Parklife, Industries, Sunset Harbor